“NKCL will lead the popularization of Immune-Therapy using NK cells”

NKCL 2020.09.08 18:10 조회 2783
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“We will build up Personalized-Immune Care Platform by enhancing people’s health using NK immune cell, as well as various products and programs.” said Shin Dong-Hwa the chairman of NKCL Bio Group.



NKCL Bio Group researches and develops immune cell therapy using NK immune cells based on its excellent technical skills. It is leading the mass production and popularization of immune cell therapies. The company is attracting attention as a representative company of Korea's immune brand by actively responding to the Corona crisis and the new paradigm.

- Company overview and the main technologies.

Started with the stem-cell research, NKCL Bio group had been successfully managing various health-care businesses such as Anti-aging, Blood-purification, and skin cares through a medical center. The company currently focuses its efforts on immune cell treatment using NK cells, which is in charge of innate immunity of a human body.

NK Cell (Natural Killer Cell) is a strong immunocyte that removes abnormal cells created everyday within our body, as well as the bacteria from the outside sources. NK immune cell treatment, known as the next-generation cancer treatment, is able to find and eliminate the cancer stem cells which causes recurrence and metastasis. In an early stage, cancer can be suppressed using the immunity.

NKCL Bio Group had developed automatic cell culture system with AI technology to find the optimal environment for the cell growth. The data and know-how of the researcher is taught to a machine to prevent human errors and data leakage. The productivity has been boosted to mass produce and popularize the immune cell therapy.

NKCL is differentiated in technology as well. NKCL has optimal recipes for cell culture and one can examine the NK cell ratio of before and after the culture using FACS (Fluorescence-activated cell sorting). Another Key technology is the targeted therapy. NK cell attacks both abnormal cells and cancer cells. In order to maximize the cancer combatting ability, NKCL’s NK cells can focus the attack on the cancer cells with the input data. 

NKCL Bio Group has started the construction of Automated NK Cell culture system that has a scale of 3500 sqm on December last year. It will receive GMP Authorization as a cell culture facility. With regards to ‘Advanced Medicine Law’, we are putting all our efforts on finalizing the construction and expanding the cell therapy business.

- ‘NKCL Immune Care Center’ and ‘NKCL Immune Cafe' are of a unique concept. What is the background for planning them and what service do they provide?

NKCL Bio Group is launching various products and programs that enhance people’s immunity. Examples include diet supplementary product that increase the NK cell activation, cosmetic product that contains bio-material, and brainwave program that induces deep sleep, resulting in better stress management and immunity enhancement. Water, Tea and Juice that help on immunity are underway, and 20 more products will be launched in the future.

The NKCL Immunity Care Center and Immunity Cafe, like theme cafes and cultural centers, are designed to melt into customers' real lives and make it easier to access the concept of ‘immunity’ The center and cafe will be a space where you can directly experience the products and help improve your immune system through various hands-on programs.

- NKCL is currently expanding offline distribution channels such as road-shop and shop-in-shop. What kind of system is it planning to operate?

The locations will be subdivided and designated around key commercial areas, nationwide. The shops will have exclusive sales right and will be in easily accessible locations. The customers can get in-depth counseling on immune health as well as immune therapy consulting. Some channels will be providing services online. ‘Shop-in-shop’ refers to introducing NKCL products to the already existing shops in the market. NKCL products will be presented in harmony with existing brands regardless of the business and industry.

- How do you see the market in the future?

Global Immunotherapy market is expected to grow to more than 100 billion dollars by 2024 and will take up 44% of the whole cancer therapy market. As the trend of aging intensifies in global population, the demand for anti-aging and health-related product is increasing. Especially, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the interests on immunity have skyrocketed. In line with this, NKCL Bio Group focuses on meeting the various needs of the customers.

Original News Link: https://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=101&oid=008&aid=0004467885

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