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https://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=101&oid=008&aid=0004518035 NKCL Bio Group has won the grand prize in the technology innovation category of immune cell cultivation in the 8th Best Future Creative Management Awards 2020 organized by Money Today. NKCL Bio Group...
http://news.heraldcorp.com/view.php?ud=20201208000247&md=20201211003337_BL#a The daily number of newly confirmed COVID-19 patients surpassed the 500 mark for the first time in eight months since the outbreak of the pandemic in early March. Now is a time when immunity management is more important ...
https://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=101&oid=011&aid=0003833272 NKCL Bio Group is the first in the bio industry to open a course for immunity enhancement at Songwon University's Lifelong Education Center in Gwangju. The course teaches about NK immune cells and th...
NKCL Bio Group, as the first in its industry, to open a course regarding NK Immune Cell and its cultivation, under the curriculum provided by Songwon University, Kwang-ju, Korea. As the Advanced Regenerative Medicine Act passed the bill, the interest is growing in bio-industry, especially NK Immune C...
The interest in health and immunity is higher than ever, and the demand for a premium water grew as well. NKCL Bio group has launched a premium deep ocean drinking water rich in minerals. NKCL’s ‘NK Immune Water’ comes in two sizes; 500 ml and 350 ml. They can be easily consumed with NKCL’s powde...